Thursday, November 19, 2009

SOPS-TV Has a New Home!

We have found a new home to display SOPS-TV, a visual representation of our work in the field of paranormal investigation and research. Our first episode is now online for all to enjoy! Please let us know your thoughts, suggestions and more! Also, look for future material such as interviews with not only members of the team, but those of which we have had the pleasure of working alongside with. Until then please enjoy our first episode, a look into our investigation of the very historic Spruce Lane Farmhouse!

SOPS TV - Episode 1 Spruce Lane Farmhouse from Steve Genier on Vimeo.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

SOPSTV Episode 1 Almost Complete!

Finally, we are almost finished the editing for our first SOPSTV episode dealing with our first investigation of the very historic Spruce Lane Farmhouse. It also marks the beginning of yet another research project to determine rather the location does have any paranormal energies and what links they have with the location itself.

For the meantime, the first episode will present a brief look into the history of the location as told by those who volunteer at the location. Also, an inside look at our investigation and the possible evidence that we collected during our first visit. So, keep your eyes peeled here or on the main site SOPS Investigations

Sunday, November 01, 2009

The Spooks of Halloween bring in the business.

It's amazing how busy things really do get in and around the Halloween season. Yes, it is that time when it is thought that vale between this world and the afterlife are at their thinnest, and people always associate heightened paranormal activity around the season. Still, do you think it's a massive matrixing of the mind? Does activity really heighten around this time? Well, from my experience with investigating with SOPS and even before the group was formed, the experience was that the activity at least in our path has always been shortly after the new year has begun. It seems that once we get the stresses and joy of the holiday season behind us, SOPS tends to experience a spike in people contacting us about having activity in their homes or businesses.

Though this might be so, I'm still finding that there is really no set time of the season where activity really increases or decreases. Even during this time of the year, we do get emails etc. about people wanting their situation looked into, it is the medias that we find come a calling more. Yes, the paranormal makes for a great story for the Halloween season and more so this year with such movies hits as Paranormal Activity dominating the screen.

Anyhow, enough with this rant, I want to hear your thoughts, especially if you are fellow investigator or researcher.

On another note..tonight on Nocturnal Frequency Radio, the sometimes brutal open lines of Dark Discussions are back! Tonight the Witch Hunt and tales of personal encounters with the paranormal as well as much more!!

Tune in at 11pmEST or even call in with your tales or opinions at 914-803-4095.

Listen to Nocturnal Frequency on Blog Talk Radio