Monday, May 29, 2006

Mount Nemo Orbs

After hearing from several different sources about an area just east of Mount Nemo where there seems to be a hot bed for UFO activity. Anyhow, I took a drive out to this particular area or at least what I think is the correct area and was encountered with the strangest experience. I was driving down to the exact area along the road when i came to a small bridge where there we very small orbs flying around. They were the size of a large orange and were like a faint bluish/green in colour. There was no sounds coming from them other then the natural sound of insects in the area. Now, to explain this, I can't as of right now. Maybe gas, I just don't know. Anyhow, I took several pictures as I had my digital cam like always. I wish I had a camcorder with good night vision so I could have taken actually video footage of these floating around. Anyhow, here are some shots I took with close-ups. I've coined these guys The Mount Nemo Orbs!More shots are coming as well as that EVP taken from The Screaming Tunnel!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Cemetery photos that reveal!

Here are a couple of photos taken in a cemetery just on the outskirts of North Burlington. A pioneer cemetery that is no longer in use. I snapped a few photos and was very surprised to see what I was able to capture on two of the many stills. In this first photo, there is a fire-like entity streaking the top of a grave stone. Now, I assure you there were no lights, no candles etc in this cemetery. The area was engulfed in complete darkness with the exception of the moon. This "fireball" or "wisp" is very unusual and very rare to capture on camera. So, please have a look at the regular photo anf the enlarged area photo and pass along your thoughts...

The second set of photos are from the same cemetery and house an interesting green like orb. Now, I'm quite skeptical with most orbs, but this one does seem quite authenic indeed. Again, have a look at both the regular still and the enlarged still and pass along your thoughts on these as well, thx!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Screaming Tunnel Results

Well, after a brief investigation of Niagara's Screaming Tunnel I'm unimpressed to say the least. A hate to be the cloads cover the sun here, but I really didn't find anything too out of the normal with the tunnel at all. Maybe it was the wrong timing, we arrived around 8pm, it was still pretty much daylight. Maybe we should try again during the wee bits of the early morning between 12pm-3am to view anything paranormal. Myself and the rest of the crew really didn't experience any strange presence at all, as there have been many reports of some who have gone into the tunnel felt something odd. That really wasn't the case here. Again, maybe it was the wrong timing, we'll have to go later in the evening/early morning. Though most of the finding were pretty much non-existant, I have managed to gather a couple pieces of interest. A rather interesting photo which reveals a very interesting orb. Though I'm often very skeptical of orbs, this one does seem rather odd. The other piece of interest is a possible EVP extracted from the audio recordings taken from the tunnel. I'm still working on cleaning it up and once it is done I'll post it. For now here's the picture of the orb inside the tunnnel taken about halfway in.