Sunday, November 26, 2006

Deforrest Round 3

Though for some of the group this was the second trip to this eerie little hillside cemetery in Milton. This trip around myself, Rob and Maria yielded some pretty interesting vibes, of course that was heightened with the pea soup thickness of the fog which rendered many of the camera shots full of mist orbs. We spent just over two hours taking video, audio and of course EMF reading and found Deforrest to be in a very active mode that evening. Maria has already captured an EVP from the area where many of seen the "Ghost Digger" on top of the hillside right beside the roadside. An EVP I'll post later once it's posted on SOPS mainsite . I myself have yet to go through any of my audio or video footage from that night, but will so later on tonight in hopes of finding something. The there of us had a very lenghty conversation which Maria recorded which would be nice if someone from beyond would have joined in, as of right now, not sure if that was in fact a reality or not. Anyhow, in the meantime here are some rather interesting still shots I took from the hillside that night! Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

"Church Bell" Or?

As mentioned in the last posting, I was able to discover what sounds like a faint "church like bell" ringing/chimming every few seconds throughout the video footage taken from our investigation of the Hermitage ruins. Now, when you listen to this particular clip, you'll hear myself and team member Rob talking and in the background you'll hear the chimming. Turn up your volume for best results. Now, there was no church in the area, and there is surely no reason for a church bell to be going off that late at night either. This audio evidence was not present in any of the team's audio recordings taken that night as well, nor was there an sign of this while present at the ruins which makes this very strange. Have a listen and let me know your thoughts!



Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Hermitage plot thickens!

After going through just 2/3's of the video footage taking from the Hermitage ruins from last Sunday night's investigation, I have found a few rather very interesting details. As some of you know that the audio and digital stills taken from the area turned up some activity, that coupled with the over all senses the team harboured while there. We, I can now add that I have found two more items of interest. One, that throughout the video's audio, there is a faint chiming almost like that of a church bell in the distance. Now, while we were there, I for one did not hear this and nor did this turn up on the digital audio records that we took. Secondly, I believe I have also captured what looks like and anomaly or an apparition flying by the view of the camera somewhat in the background just after I turned the camera back on after it had mysteriously turned off itself. More on this once I'm able to isolate the frames...

Going through it a few times, it's not fog or breath at all as those two elements would be on going or appearing more then one time especially when were talking near the camera. This anomoly is just a few seconds, shooting across the view of the camera. Just before going by, you'll notice the camera's focus blurring and quickly re-adjusting itself as if it detects the faint mass rolling by.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Hermitage Ruins

Last Friday night SOPS investigated one our most instense locations to date as a group so far. The Hermitage ruins late at night, which we were there between 10:15pmEST until 12:15amEST in total darkness. No full moons, no street light, just us and the darkness. Though the dark was the least of our worries, as the area gave off an energy that was simply draining mentally. From the minute we arrived on the ruin's grounds with beadie eye glaring at us from the tree outline around the ruins from deer looking on, the night was set in motion. Myself, I was drawn to the back North/East corner of what was left of the old Hermitage. I felt this energy also when i first scouted the location during the day a few weeks ago. My feelings paid off as in one picture I was able to capture what looks like a"ghost face" in the remaining window.

Copy this picture, insert it into a picture viewing program like Photoshop and zoom into the window area of the wall. You'll see the faint but very noticable "ghost face" looking through the window.

I'm have yet to go through the video footage taken from the night, as the camera was sitting in that corner for awhile as well. The group consisted of the core members, myself, Maria, Rob and Mike. Thanks to the Hamilton Conservation Authorities for giving us the ok to do the investigation. Also, our thoughts go out the family of Bruce Duncan who passed away that same day of a fatal car accident. For it was he who Maria was in email contact with for the investigation. This was yet another factor that led to the already draining evening. The end result is that I believe there is a great force at work there, and that the Hermitage and it's myths of two ghosts one of a women and the other of a coachman who hung himself are just a facepalte for something much larger.

I will be posting more pictures, audio files etc on this investigation once I have gone through them all. Also, stop by our official website now located at SOPS.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

New Home and Deforrest Investigation Details soon!

First off I wanted to let you all know that SOPS official website has just been registered and will be under construction very soon. The new address will be , I know it's long, but the short hand is already taken! So, keep checking for full details on our new home!

Well, the group returned to Deforrest Cemetery though for some it was a first trip there. After briefly going through the group's footage both audio and visual, it seems that once again the cemetery is very active. It certainly is a haven for EVPS, here's an example of one EVP Maria was able to capture of what sounds like a little girl. Now, I won't frontload any of you by telling you what I think it is saying. The start you will hear me talking and then afterwards you will hear a faint voice saying something, let me know your thoughts!


More details from the investigation coming soon as I still have to go through the video footage and Rob was also able to isolate some interesting EVPS! Stay Tuned!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

SOPS Protocols for our investigations!

The following list is subject to change at all given time. There are just some of the major points we wanted to make clear for those who are interested in joining the group.

These are some of the more
important protocols the SOUTHERN ONTARIO PARANORMAL SOCIETY should follow and
respect during an investigation, rather it be as a group member of SOPS or a

An investigation should be taken seriously. Failure to follow the rules and
protocols listed can jeopardize the results of an investigation, as well as
reflect on the SOPS members.

-Always show respect wherever you are. Harm no one..
living or dead!

-Always do an initial field check of the location that will be investigated.

-Absolutely no type of drugs or alcohol before, during or after any
investigation. You will be asked to leave if you bring drugs with you!

-Please do not whisper during an investigation, it may spoil any audio taken.

-If you feel that you have found or encountered something paranormal, please
keep you composure, don’t scream or yell

-Never go alone on an investigation. Due to the reason that many of the
investigation sites are secluded, there is safety in numbers. In case you
somehow get hurt, there will be someone there to aid you. Also, there will be
someone there to confirm what you have seen.

-Always get permission to be on the property. Obey "No Trespassing" or "Keep
Out"signs. If there are signs with hours posted or closed at dusk, then stay
out. If during the course of the investigation you come across one of these
signs, then you should immediately end the investigation and leave. If you
trespass, then you risk the

chance of getting arrested, and not to mention what you will do to the field

-Always carry a valid id. The preferred choice of id is a valid state id or
drivers license. No matter what type you do carry it should be a picture id.

-Always check all equipment before going on an investigation to make sure it is
in proper working order.

-Try to find a rational explanation for everything first and foremost.

-Hold your breath when taking pictures on cold nights. Exhaled breath can show
up as fog or mist.

-Do not go out in adverse weather. This means when it is or has rained, snowed,
there is fog or it is windy. The results will often show many false positives.

-Do not take pictures when you are walking, this can strip up dust and show up
as dust orbs.

-Always have an open mind. Keep your sanity and most of all remember humor is a
good thing!

This list maybe changed or updated at any given time so please keep checking
before each investigation for any changes.

(S)outhern (O)ntario (P)aranormal (S)ociety