Sunday, November 27, 2005

Could it be...our first EVP recording?

After going through the two digital audio recrdings taken from our investigation of the Salem and Deforrest pioneer cemeteries, I was able to isolate what sounds to me to be an EVP. It was taken from the Deforrest Pioneer Cemetery where there are many children who have did at a very early age buried there. I had the recorder please near a family plot where there are roughly 5 children who all died before 1869, and all within days, months or a couple of years from one another. It's very low so I had to amplify it to give you the full impact of what this EVP might entail. What I make out is someone whispering "Her kid....please". Now, I'm certain that I hear "Her kid", but I could be mistaken on if this person adds "please" at the end? You have a listen and tell me what you make of this interesting find.

"Her kid....please"
  • EVP #1

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