Sunday, November 27, 2005

Could it be...our first EVP recording?

After going through the two digital audio recrdings taken from our investigation of the Salem and Deforrest pioneer cemeteries, I was able to isolate what sounds to me to be an EVP. It was taken from the Deforrest Pioneer Cemetery where there are many children who have did at a very early age buried there. I had the recorder please near a family plot where there are roughly 5 children who all died before 1869, and all within days, months or a couple of years from one another. It's very low so I had to amplify it to give you the full impact of what this EVP might entail. What I make out is someone whispering "Her kid....please". Now, I'm certain that I hear "Her kid", but I could be mistaken on if this person adds "please" at the end? You have a listen and tell me what you make of this interesting find.

"Her kid....please"
  • EVP #1
  • Thursday, November 24, 2005

    Group Name?

    Ok, it about time to give our group a name so it can be identified a lot easier! I've decided to put a few name out there to see what can of a response I would get. Of course these are just name ideas that I've come up with, if anyone has a better suggestion outside this group of names, then please by all means throw it my way. So far, this unnamed group of our consists of three people and would like to see that expand by three more making it a total of 6 for the time being. If you are in the general area and would like to join, please throw me an email at with an additional subject heading that I would recognize. Here is the group of names that I have come up with, please let me know which one you would go with, or if none of them, please suggest your idea, thx!

    Halton Paranormal Investigations (H.P.I)

    Halton Investigations of the Paranormal (H.I.P)

    Halton Ghost Trackers (H.G.T)

    Burlington Ghost Trackers (B.G.T)

    Burlington Anomaly Trackers (B.A.T)

    South Western Ontario Paranormal Investigators (S.W.O.P.I)

    South Western Ontario Ghost Trackers (S.W.O.G.T)


  • Monday, November 14, 2005

    Strange Activity on the Bruce Trail

    Earlier today, I took a walk along the Bruce Trail near Mount Nemo. When I wondered off the path to take a look at a strange hill that looked as if it had been man made years ago. The rock formation didn't at all look natural by any means. So, I decided to take a few pictures and as you can see that I was able to capture a streak of strange energy. Like a vortex or along those lines. You can see it just to the left of the picture, a strange orange line that crosses over and out of the picture's frame. At this time, I did have a certain feeling one that I couldn't explain, but knew that there was something about this particular place. Anyhow, once again for those in the know, please post your comments on if this indeed can be a vortex of energy etc.

    Sunday, November 13, 2005

    Salem Cemetery Orbs?

    Ok, here is one picture that was taken during our first investigation in the Salem Cemetery. Now, it's not entirely clear if these are in fact geniune orbs or just dust particles. So, if anyone out there reading this, have a look at this picture in great detail by clicking on it. Let us know your thoughts on rather this qualify as orbs or not, thx!

    Pictures and Video Footage from First Investigation!

    First off, here is the video footage from the headstones I had mentioned in the first field report below. As you can see at first there seems to be no writing on the headstones at all, until you move the light on an angle, it's rather eerie and worth sharing.



    Please, let me know what you think of these either by leaving a comment or posting in our forums!

    First Official Investigation

    Though it wasn't a major investigation, myself and a friend decided to give it a go. Armed with a small incomplete kit which included LED flashlight, compass, digital recorder, digital camera, and log sheets. Our first area of investigation was the Salem Cemetery which is no longer in use and has an old history here in Burlington. We stared our investigation around 2am est and lasted for about 45 minutes give or take. Within that time frame, myself and Dave conducted what tests we could with the limitations in equipment. Right from the get go, I search for the perfect area in which to start recording for EVPs. David, took notes and keep a close eye on the compass for to see if it would act up. I took several picture, which I will add in the coming days. The only activity we did record as of right now where the usual orb action as well as an area in which the compass started to act up a little. As for EVPs, the area was quite noisy making it hard to secure anything. I'm still searching though.

    Our second place of choice was the very old pioneer Deforrest Cemetery which in my mind held something very usual to Salem. In this I mean it's over all feel. This cemetery holds quite abit of children which made it all the more eerier. Once again like Salem, we took several pictures and recorded for EVPs. We didn't use the compass on this round. Once again there wasn't much activity as of right now. I'm still going through the recording and pictures to see if there is in fact something. There was one spot in the Deforrest Cemetery in which I felt a strong presence of sorts, but I'm not a medium so I wouldn't be able to explain this in great detail. An area to the outer rim of the cemetery where there are two small headstones, very two very young girls who died very young. One at 11 years of age, the other at around 11 months. We also discovered a very unusual thing about one of the major head stones, or monument if you will where at first there seemed to be no writing on it. We actually had to shine the light at a certain angle to actually read it. I will post the video footage of this to show you just exactly what I mean.

    In ending, this was quite an eerie adventure, one that really go the adrenaline flowing. Although the investigation wasn't a long and extensive one, it however was a testing ground to going into something more. House and indoor activities. If you are in the Burlington area and are a medium or a person of spiritual believe and can read certain things we would love to have you along for our next investigation. Of course, this is non-profit and for documenting purposes. If interested please email me at with a subject heading that I would recognize, thx!

    Wednesday, November 02, 2005

    Orbs in the Cemetery!

    This picture was taken shortly before 12am Oct 30th in the St.Luke's Cemetery in Burlington. Now, there has been some paranormal activity in this particular area in front of the church. So, I took a few pictures and this one was quite interesting. As you see, there's an orb above the church's staple cross. I assure it's not the moon, as it was a very cloudy evening and the moon was no where in site. This is the first picture of a possible three that I will post. Let me know you're thoughts...

    Tuesday, November 01, 2005


    Look out for exclusive pictures I have talken from this great little walk I took on Devil's Night this last Sunday October 30th. The walk is hosted by one of Canada's leading paranormal researchers Patrick Cross and covers roughly 20 or more sites in about 2 hours time. We took the second and late walk that began at 10:30pm running just until shortly after 12am. Anyhow, I was able to snap a couple very interesting pictures of some activity and will post them in the coming days. IN the meantime, if anyone is interested in learning more about the walk or Patrick Cross visit BURLINGTON GHOST WALKS

    NEWS FOR NOVEMBER 1st 2005!


    Eerie light phenomenon sighted on Highway 126
    Bulletin Correspondent

    (Editor's Note: Mary Ann Messick is known as the official Baxter County historian and is well-versed in local folklore.)

    The Cooper Family settled north Monkey Run prior to the Civil War. When the war broke out, Mr. Cooper marched off to join the Confederate Army.

    In June 1864, he came home on leave. It was a dark and stormy spring night when the family heard a large group of horsemen thunder into the yard. Before stepping out, Mr. Cooper made sure his wife and children understood they were not to go out, not even to look out the window until dawn. On the porch, he was met with a volley of rifle fire. FULL ARTICLE


    By definition, UFOs are just unidentified things in the sky, not necessarily alien aircraft. One Las Vegas man has captured a curious array of photos and videos of weird stuff he's seen flying over his house. He shared his material with the I-Team's George Knapp.

    UFO witness, "The first thing I started seeing were odd-shaped things that changed colors and just darted across the screen at phenomenal speeds." FULL ARTICLE


    Many people who have been to True's Yard Fishing Museum have been convinced it is haunted but no-one suspected just how many ghosts had made it their home.

    During a "ghost-hunting" expedition earlier this year one medium was left retching and heaving after he got such a strong sense of the many spirits there.

    The museum was visited by Bassetlaw Ghost Research Group after the team heard True's Yard, which is all that remains of Lynn's old fishing community based at the North End, was haunted. They claim the building was home to an incredible 30 spirits. FULL ARTICLE

    Featured Book of the Month!



    I just finished off this basic introductory on how to get started in becoming a paranormal investigator. Though the book maybe basic in it's means, it's very thorough as to the information Richard shares. Everything from separating the different classes of ghosts, what tools one would need to make up a ghost hunting kit as well as how to find groups to join. This is also very easy to read and understand, something that is very important for those just getting into this realm. Both thumbs up from me on this read!